Creating A Homeschool High School Transcript That Works

Homeschool High School Transcript

One of the things I worried about most, in our early years of homeschooling, was how I would handle high school – especially high school graduation requirements and transcripts. I know I am not the only one! I am asked every single week, more than once, about how we handle high school transcripts in our interest-led homeschool. It can be hard to picture how such a relaxed lifestyle of learning translates into formal documentation. After graduating one homeschooler and sending him off to college, I realize now that it is so much easier than I thought.

Homeschool High School Transcript

High School Diploma Requirements

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Before you take any steps at all in creating a transcript, I recommend you double check your state’s high school diploma requirements. This will form the backbone of your transcript and will also help guide your coursework decisions.

My state’s minimum standards for receiving a high school diploma are as follows:

Our state also has a set of university bound standards. They are as follows:

Although my youngest son has no plans to go to college post-graduation, I use the university bound standards as a guide for all of my record keeping and transcripts.

Homeschool High School Transcript

Topics Of Study By Subject

Because I have been sharing all of our learning as it progresses in my weekly lesson plans, you already know most of the topics we’ve covered. The first step in creating my 9th grade son’s actual transcript was to group all of his areas of study by subject.