Considering a caesarean birth

Please note that this information will be reviewed every 3 years after publication.

This information is for you if you are considering a planned (elective) caesarean birth for your baby.

It may also be helpful if you are a partner, relative or friend of someone who is considering a caesarean birth.

This information is not for you if you have already been offered a caesarean birth because of specific reasons in your pregnancy, as the benefits and risks will be different. If you are in that situation, your healthcare professional will discuss your options for birth with you.

If you have had a caesarean birth in the past, please see the RCOG patient information Birth options after previous caesarean section.

The information here aims to help you better understand your pregnancy and your options for planning the birth of your baby. Your healthcare team is there to support you in making your decision. They can help by discussing your preferences, providing you with further information and answering your questions.

The figures quoted in this information are based on the best available research, which is limited. When considering the benefits and risks of your different options, it is important to bear in mind that we have to rely on studies of variable quality, including some that compare planned caesarean births for all reasons (including caesarean births for women who have medical factors) with vaginal births, or emergency caesarean births with vaginal births.

Within this information we may use the terms ‘woman’ and ‘women’. However, we know that it is not only people who identify as women who may want to access this information about their choices around birth. Your care should be appropriate, inclusive and sensitive to your needs whatever your gender identity.

A glossary of medical terms is available at A-Z of medical terms.

Key points

The majority of women in the UK give birth vaginally, recover well and have healthy babies.

Most women who have a planned caesarean birth will also recover well and have healthy babies. However, there are risks for both you and your baby if you have a planned caesarean birth and it may take longer to recover after your baby is born. Having a caesarean birth is a major operation with risks that should be compared with your risks of a planned vaginal birth.

Your healthcare professional will not usually recommend a caesarean birth unless there are specific issues complicating your pregnancy. However, there are many factors that can influence how you feel about the way you give birth. The risks of caesarean and vaginal births will also depend on your individual circumstances. Your personal feelings, concerns, interpretation of risks and opinions are all important and will be respected when you speak with your healthcare professional about your birth plan.

You should tell your healthcare professional you are considering a caesarean birth as early as possible in your pregnancy.

Your healthcare professional will need to discuss this with you, including the reasons for your choice. They do this to ensure that you have accurate information, and to offer further support or options that you may find helpful. Some maternity units may offer peer support, group information sessions, or appointments with specific healthcare professionals (e.g. anaesthetists, mental health professionals, specialist midwives) who can offer you information to prepare for birth.

It is important to consider the benefits and risks carefully. People view risk differently and how you view risk depends to a large extent on your own preferences and experience. You can find out more information on risk from the RCOG patient information Understanding how risk is discussed in healthcare.

If your healthcare team are not able to offer you a planned caesarean birth they should refer you to a different team who can offer this choice to you.

Women consider a caesarean birth for many reasons. Your thoughts and feelings about giving birth will be influenced by the culture you grew up in, your previous experiences, and the experiences of the people around you.

Your healthcare professional may offer you support from specialists with experience supporting women with anxieties and other mental health issues in pregnancy. If you had a difficult vaginal birth previously, discussing your birth with a healthcare professional to understand what happened may help. Many complications that happen during one birth do not, or are unlikely to, happen again. Even if you had a complicated assisted vaginal birth in your first pregnancy, your chance of having a vaginal birth with no assistance is more than 4 in 5 (80%) in your next birth.

Discussing your options for pain relief might be helpful. Safe and effective options for pain relief including epidural analgesia are available. For more information about pain relief during labour see the Labour Pains website from the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association. You may wish to talk about your options with an anaesthetist.

Your maternity unit may also be able to offer you care from a small group of midwives that will look after you throughout your pregnancy, during labour, and visit you at home after birth. Building a relationship with the same midwives who will look after you in labour may give you more confidence. Some maternity units can offer a birth planning appointment with a senior midwife to explore and discuss other aspects of birth in more detail. Ask your healthcare professional for more information if any of these options seem attractive to you.

If you are anxious about the need for vaginal examination or about any other aspect of birth, your healthcare professional may offer ways of caring for you in labour that may be more acceptable to you, and offer referral to a specialist to explore the underlying reasons for your anxiety. There are tools available to help you feel more in control when you are in stressful situations (during birth and beyond). There is a chance that vaginal examinations may be needed even after a caesarean birth (for example if you have heavy bleeding afterwards).

If you are concerned about the timing of labour and its unpredictability (for example, if your planned birth partner is going to be away for work or if you need childcare for an older child), you can ask to have your labour started in a controlled way. This process is called an ‘induction of labour’. If you would like to discuss this option alongside the option of a planned caesarean birth, let your healthcare professional know. For more information on induced labour, see NHS information on Inducing labour:

Giving birth in the UK is extremely safe whichever way your baby is born. The safest way for your baby to be born will depend on your own individual circumstances and you should discuss this during your pregnancy with your healthcare professional. From the research evaluated in Appendix A of the NICE guideline on Caesarean birth [NG192]:

Babies born by caesarean and babies born vaginally have similar risks of:

There is currently not enough evidence to be able to say for certain if either a caesarean or a vaginal birth is more associated with babies developing:

There is a very small increased chance of babies born by caesarean:

If you have specific concerns about your baby needing to be born with the help of ventouse or forceps, you can find out more from the RCOG patient information Assisted vaginal birth (ventouse or forceps). Forceps may also be used during a caesarean birth.

There is a chance of your baby being cut during a caesarean birth. This happens in 1–2 out of every 100 babies born by caesarean, but usually heals without any long term problems.

The benefits of having a planned caesarean birth include: