Buying a manufactured home

Buying a manufactured home can be complicated. You may not understand all the terms. Don't rely on verbal statements that are not in writing! Read this to better understand your rights and some important terms. #6582EN


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Should I read this?

Yes, you should read this if you want to buy a manufactured home in Washington state. Buying a manufactured home can be complicated. You may not understand all the terms. You may want to rely on verbal statements that are not in writing.

What will I learn from reading this?

You will learn what your rights are when buying a manufactured home from a dealer. We will also explain some important terms.

* We use the term "manufactured home" here interchangeably with "mobile home." What if I'm going to buy a manufactured home from a person, not a dealer?

Read Problems Getting Title to Your Manufactured Home to be prepared for what could go wrong.

What will it really cost me to buy a mobile home?

There are many hidden costs. Before you decide to buy, and definitely before making a down payment, make sure you understand the total cost. Look at and add up all these:

Should I sign a written contract?


At a minimum, your contract should include all these things:

Can I get financing from someone other than the dealer?


The dealer will usually offer to arrange financing for you. Beware. The dealer is probably not offering you the best deal. You will probably find a lower cost loan through a local bank or credit union.

Understand the financing terms before you agree to buy the home. Do not rely on any oral agreements. Federal and state laws require the dealer or other lender to disclose the terms of financing to you in writing before you sign. These terms include:

* Read these disclosures. The amounts may surprise you.

If you do not understand the documents, take them to someone before you sign them. If you do not get these disclosures, you may have legal claims for damages. You are better off not signing the financing papers to begin with.

What is a loan for chattel or a chattel mortgage?

It is when you take out a loan or refinance your movable personal property from a creditor. The manufactured home is the "chattel." The creditor secures the chattel loan with a mortgage over the manufactured home.

You transfer legal ownership of your home to the creditor. The creditor gives you back the registered ownership when you finish paying back the loan or mortgage. If you default on a loan for chattel, the creditor can take (can repossess) the home from you.

If your mobile home was built on-site and you need a mortgage or loan for the real property it sits on, you cannot get a chattel mortgage. Your home is not movable.

I cannot or do not want to go ahead with the deal. Can I get my money back?