Packaging and labelling requirements

For important information about mandatory information and bilingual requirements, text size, units of measurement, and other important details as well as labelling examples.

If you sell a prepackaged non-food product in Canada, you must ensure the package label meets the requirements of the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations .

Under the law, prepackaged non-food products sold to consumers must be labelled with accurate and meaningful information before they are sold. This is to help buyers make informed purchasing decisions and to protect them from false or misleading claims.

Sellers must therefore comply with a number of mandatory requirements when labelling different types of prepackaged products. These requirements apply to the kind of information that must be included and to how and where the label must be displayed.

Some products (for example, food, drugs, and medical devices) are exempt from these requirements.

The following products are exempt from all requirements of the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations :