Online Campus Out-of-State Tuition Waiver Information

Tuition waivers are available to non-Florida residents (including international students) admitted to Online Campus programs and registered for online courses in active pursuit of that degree or certificate.

Waiver Eligibility and Guidelines

The renewal of Online Campus Out-of-State Tuition Waivers is not automatic. Waivers requests must be submitted every semester and are not retroactive for previous semesters.

Online Program Out-of-State Tuition Waiver Guidelines

What Does the Waiver Cover?

Who is Eligible for the Waiver?

Students may be eligible for the Online Campus Out-of-State Tuition Waiver if they:

Waiver Exclusions

Information for Active Duty & Reserve Military Personnel

Non-Florida resident members of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty stationed outside of Florida are provided, per Florida statute, a 100% waiver of all non-resident tuition and non-resident fees. Contact the Military and Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) for more information and instructions to apply.

Eligible Online Programs

Tuition waivers as described above are available to non-Florida residents who are assessed non-resident tuition, admitted to Online Campus programs (below), and registered for online courses in active pursuit of that degree or certificate:

Undergraduate Degrees

Graduate Degrees