Providing information to DB scheme members

You must make certain information available to members, prospective members and other people entitled to benefits under your defined benefit (DB) pension scheme.

You also need to produce an annual report within seven months of the end of each scheme year and have procedures for resolving disputes with scheme members.

Who's entitled to information

The trustees of most pension schemes have to make information available about the scheme, including how it is run and the benefits it provides.

You must make information available to:

When to provide information

These people can usually ask for general information about the scheme and the benefits it provides, free of charge, once in any 12-month period. You must give this information to new members automatically when they join the scheme.

You also need to provide information to individuals on other occasions either automatically or if they request it, eg when a member retires, dies or leaves the scheme.

Sometimes scheme events will trigger the need to give information, eg you must send out certain information when a scheme starts to wind up or members are to be transferred to another scheme without their consent.

You must make specific items available on request. These include:

Annual reports and accounts

You must let members know that your annual report and accounts are available on request within seven months of the end of each scheme year. Your report should describe how the scheme has been managed and any changes which have happened in the year. It must include, amongst other things:

Resolving disputes with members

You must have a formal arrangement in place for considering complaints between the trustees and:

You must tell scheme members about this internal dispute resolution (IDR) procedure. You must also tell other individuals who would be entitled to make a complaint under it.

You can decide on a procedure that best suits your scheme. However, you should normally make decisions on disputes within four months.

You should review your IDR procedure regularly to ensure it’s working effectively.

Trustee Toolkit online learning

The 'Pensions law' module contains information on resolving disputes. You must log in or sign up to use the Trustee Toolkit.