Adhd checklist for teachers ireland

Tips for Teachers

What to do if you suspect a child has ADD/ADHD

Strategies for dealing with children with ADD/ADHD.

Routine and structure are essential in the day of a child with ADD/ADHD, so be aware of days when the normal school routine might change e.g. Sports Day.

Establish a daily classroom routine and schedule

Many teachers are cautious about making special accommodations for children with ADD/ADHD as it could be seen as favouritism. But some simple accommodations as to the way a teacher approaches a ADD/ADHD student can have marked results.

It is important for teachers to give frequent, immediate and consistent feedback about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Be clear and concise with instructions.

Focus solely on one problem behaviour at a time for the child to work on.

The following strategies may be useful in dealing with specific areas of difficulty:

To Address Academic Skills

To Address Attention Difficulties

To Lessen Impulsiveness

To Minimise Excessive Motor Activity

To Manage Mood Variations

To Improve Recall

To Improve Organisation and Planning

To Encourage Compliance


State Examinations

Children who have special educational needs, may be granted what is referred to as "Reasonable Accommodations in Certificate Examinations" while sitting their Junior or Leaving Certificates. The State Examinations Commission within the Department of Education and Science set out the policy on student accommodations Current procedures are outlined in Circular S11/2000.

The purposes of the accommodations are to

All content © INCADDS

This website is intended for reference use by Ireland residents. For more information about ADHD and adult ADD, contact your GP or other healthcare advisor.