The Periodic Round Table is a unique three-dimensional model of the Periodic Table, and an elegant spatial arrangement of the chemical elements that is symmetrical and mathematical. It possesses a high degree of order because it is based exclusively on the system of ideal electronic configuration, which in turn is the basis of periodicity among the elements. In the Periodic Round Table the electron shells are filled in the same order as the elements themselves appear, demonstrating a holistic relationship between the chemistry of the elements and the orbital descriptions of their electrons. It is the ultimate refinement of Mendeleev's scheme, and an educational tool that will take us into the twenty-first century and beyond.
The Periodic Table is presented in such a way that the technical details do not obstruct your appreciation of the beauty of this concept; it is more than a mound of data, it is a veritable icon of our knowledge of the universal order. The handcrafted models of the Periodic Round Table are made of naturally finished hardwood, permanently branded symbols and atomic numbers of the elements and attractively packaged in a giftable box. Included with each unit is a concise explanation of the reasoning behind the Periodic Round Table. We have recently updated the Periodic Round Table to include newly approved symbols for elements up to atomic number 109.
Why do we need three dimensions when all the information on the Periodic Table can be displayed in the two dimensional periodic table? While the flat chart may have mathematical regularity, the Periodic Round Table has that plus cylindrical symmetry which directly displays the underlying quantum orbitals. In other words, the Periodic Round Table is a circular map of the system of electronic configuration that can tell us more about the ordering of the elements than a planar chart.
The third dimension of the Periodic Round Table – its central axis – is infinitely extensible in space, dramatizing the fact that here the lanthanide and actinide elements have found their true place in the order of things. Should there ever be elements discovered of atomic number greater than 120, the Periodic Round Table would gain another disc at the bottom in which we would locate any further elements. Such a new period (period nine) would be characterized by the filling of a "g" electron shell having a radius one unit greater than the present base ring (period eight). This may actually happen in the next century, since elements up to 112 have already been found.
However, the real value of the Periodic Round Table is more cultural than scientific. The Periodic Round Table has the power to inspire awe regarding the progress mankind has made in understanding matter at the elemental level. This was the spiritual goal of the alchemists and it has finally been achieved. The spaces on the Periodic Table have all been filled (and then some). Now it is time to refine the overall shape of the Table to the perfect form suggested by the concept of electronic configuration. Science can adopt the Periodic Round Table as the final word on the massive cultural achievement which began in the smoky fires of the Bronze age and is ending in the nuclear reactors of the twentieth century. Only in this way can we truly symbolize the triumph of knowledge over chaos.
Even if you, the observer, don't know what is meant by atom, electron, or element, you may still feel on seeing the Periodic Round Table that there is something worth looking into. It is to the goal of creating knowledge that this effort is dedicated. As well it should be, because the average person has not shared in the bounty of knowledge that twentieth century science has created. Only a tiny fraction of the public knows enough about the elements of matter to participate in the great debate over future energy technology; for example whether we should continue to employ nuclear power. The Periodic Round Table can help people who don't have a scientific background get a sense of this discussion because of the unique way the actinide elements are displayed at the base. Nuclear issues may well determine the survival of the planet. Nuclear weapons, nuclear power, nuclear waste – every person has the right to learn about these issues and where the world is headed. The primary objective then is to assist people in gaining this understanding.
The second objective is to preserve this knowledge in the form of durable objects. How much of the printed and electronic data of our era will survive another thousand years? Not much thought has been given by our society to permanently recording its accomplishments, and protecting them from the assaults of time. Records of two thousand years ago were inscribed on better materials than we use now. Ancient materials – stone, pottery, parchment – had a longer information half–life than their modern counterparts like paper and plastic. Language itself changes over time, to the point where it becomes impossible to reconstruct the intended meanings of ancient texts, even where the symbols themselves may survive. The Periodic Round Table though communicates not only through symbolism but derives its meaning from three dimensional geometry as well. It is in fact a kind of totem or storytelling sculpture and can pass its story along to posterity; like a totem, it contains within its proportions all the information necessary to maintain the essential knowledge of the elements, independent of any particular symbolism.
A system of communication that transcends symbols is more lasting than one that depends on the written character. To this end, the Periodic Round Table will go into production in stone, glass, ceramic, and bronze, on a one of a kind basis, in addition to the present hardwood version. These more durable materials will propagate this knowledge into future societies that may succeed our own. With care the hardwood model should certainly last several lifetimes – and it will never become obsolete! Although new elements may be discovered and named, the same basic plan will extend into perpetuity. The Periodic Round Table will provide not only you but your descendants a source of pleasure and knowledge for generations.
Although the Periodic Round Table looks different from the standard flat, Periodic Table you are familiar with, there is nothing scientifically controversial about this approach. In fact, Periodic Tables based on electronic configuration have been in print for many years. The Periodic Round Table was patented in 1980 and went into production in 1995.