Transcript Services FAQs

Our Transcript Ordering service is the most secure and convenient way to speed transcript requests and order fulfillment while saving staff resources every day. Your service can include the following features:

> How Do We Collect Our Transcript Fees?

The Clearinghouse remits to you 100% of the transcript fees collected on your behalf at the end of each month.

> Is The Credit Card Processing Fee Deducted From Our Reimbursement?

No. The Clearinghouse covers the fee.

> How Can We Maximize the Effectiveness of Transcript Ordering?

To maximize the benefits of Transcript Ordering, the Clearinghouse recommends several ideas for promoting the service to your students and alumni. Add Transcript Ordering to your Web site and provide instructions on how to place an order, and make sure all your staff know how to refer students and alumni to Transcript Ordering. You can also create a phone script for incoming calls that refers students and alumni to the Web site, and promote using email communications and print/online publications that your students receive.

The Clearinghouse also offers many ways for you to customize the look and functionality of your Transcript Ordering service, including:

> Can I Lock My Electronic Transcripts and Control Them After Delivery?

Yes. You can opt to digitally sign or lock your transcripts and apply various document controls to manage access and usage after they are delivered (e.g., printing, offline access, document revocation, and more). This reflects the Clearinghouse’s long-standing commitment to safeguarding the data and documents you entrust to us by providing you with world-class security.

> Does Your Transcript Ordering Service Support SPEEDE And PESC standards?

Yes. We support Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) utilizing transaction sets 146 (request) and 147 (response). We also support XML and work closely with the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC) in implementing their communication standards.

> Does Transcript Ordering Comply With FERPA?

Yes. Transcript Ordering provides options to enable compliance with all published guidance on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), The Higher Education Act, and other applicable laws and is customizable for institutions’ individual compliance requirements.

> What Is Electronic Transcript Exchange?

Electronic Transcript Exchange (or ETX) enables you to exchange transcripts with participating educational institutions and organizations via the Clearinghouse’s secure network. Transcript data can be transmitted using any standard format, even PDFs that look just like your paper transcripts.

> What Does Electronic Transcript Exchange Include?

In addition to the convenience and security offered by Electronic Transcript Exchange, the service:

> How Does Electronic Transcript Exchange Work?

  1. When establishing your service, your institution selects the file formats that can be accepted or sent by each of its participating offices, departments, or groups.
  2. Before sending a transcript, check our registry to obtain the recipient ID and accepted file type(s) for the institution to which you are sending a transcript.
  3. Sign into your Electronic Transcript Exchange secure FTP account.
  4. Upload the transcript and specify the recipient. A file delivery receipt will be mailed to you.
  5. When a transcript is sent to you, you will receive an email with the URL, where you can log in and download the file.

> Are Transcript PDFs Delivered Via Transcript Ordering ADA Compliant?

Yes. All PDFs delivered electronically via Transcript Ordering are ADA compliant, which enables recipients with screen readers to use our service and successfully read the transcript data.